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5 Mistakes in Capex Procurement and How to Avoid them?

Featured image 5 Mistakes to avoid in Capex Procurement

Capital expenditure (CapEx) procurement plays a critical role in driving organizational growth and efficiency. It involves the acquisition of physical assets with a lifespan exceeding one year, impacting everything from production capabilities to technological advancements. Navigating the complexities of CapEx procurement can be challenging, and even minor missteps can lead to significant financial repercussions. This blog post explores the top 5 mistakes often encountered in CapEx procurement and outlines mitigation strategies.

You can read all about Capex Procurement and its importance here.

Mistake #1: Inadequate Planning and Needs Assessment

Mistakes in Capex Procurement

According to a Deloitte study, a staggering 42% of capital projects fail to meet their original objectives. This failure can often be traced back to insufficient planning and needs assessment at the outset. Without a clear understanding of the business objectives and the specific functionalities required from the capital asset, businesses risk procuring equipment or infrastructure that doesn’t align with their long-term goals.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Conduct a thorough needs assessment: Identify the specific problem or opportunity the CapEx project aims to address and analyze current processes and bottlenecks.
  • Develop clear and measurable goals: Define the desired outcomes of the CapEx project, such as increased production capacity or improved energy efficiency. These objectives should be SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). 
  • Prioritize projects based on strategic alignment: Evaluate proposed projects against your company’s overall strategy and choose those with the highest return on investment (ROI).

Mistake #2: Unstructured or Incomplete Vendor Selection Process

mistake 2 in capex procurement.

Selecting the right vendor is paramount for successful CapEx procurement. A report by A. Aberdeen Group indicates that companies with best-in-class supplier management practices experience 5–20% lower procurement costs. However, relying solely on price or established vendor relationships can lead to missed opportunities to acquire superior technology or more favourable terms.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Implement a robust vendor selection process: Develop a standardized evaluation framework that considers factors like technical expertise, financial stability, past performance references, and after-sales support capabilities.
  • Shortlist a diverse range of qualified vendors: Stop limiting yourself to established relationships; explore new market entrants and innovative solutions.
  • Negotiate aggressively: While price is important, don’t hesitate to negotiate on terms such as delivery timelines, payment schedules, and warranty coverage.

Mistake #3: Unrealistic Budgeting and Cost Overruns

Capex procuremetn mistake 3

CapEx projects are inherently prone to cost overruns due to unforeseen circumstances or inaccurate initial estimates. A McKinsey & Company report highlights that cost overruns on large projects of 80% of the budget affect the project viability. 

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Develop a comprehensive cost breakdown structure (CBS): Identify and categorize all potential costs associated with the CapEx project, including procurement, installation, training, operational, maintenance, and disposal.
  • Implement contingency planning: Allocate a buffer in the budget to account for unforeseen circumstances. Review the budget regularly and adjust it as required. 
  • Conduct value engineering: Analyze the project scope and identify opportunities to reduce costs without compromising functionality or quality.

Mistake #4: Inadequate Contract Management

A poorly drafted or loosely-managed contract can expose the business to financial risks and legal complications. Ambiguous terms regarding delivery timelines, performance guarantees, or change orders can lead to disputes and delays.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Utilize standardized and legally reviewed contract templates: Ensure contracts address all critical aspects of the project, including scope of work, performance expectations, payment terms, warranties, liabilities, and dispute resolution procedures.
  • Establish clear communication channels with vendors: Maintain open communication throughout the project lifecycle to proactively address deviations from the agreed-upon terms.
  • Clear ownership: Assign clear ownership for contract oversight and ensure timely tracking of deliverables and milestones.

Mistake #5: Limited Visibility and Project Tracking

Effective project tracking allows companies to identify problems early on and course-correct as needed. Without proper oversight, deviations from the project plan, delays, or quality issues can go unnoticed until it’s too late to mitigate their impact.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Utilize project management software: Leverage technology solutions to track project progress, resource allocation, budget adherence, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Conduct regular project reviews: Establish a schedule for project review meetings to assess progress, identify roadblocks, and adjust the plan as necessary.
  • Implement a risk management framework: Proactively identify potential risks throughout the project lifecycle and implement a framework to minimize or reduce the risks. 

Optimize your Capex Procurement With Venwiz

optimise your capex procurement with Venwiz 5 mistakes

Venwiz is a digital platform that simplifies and objectifies the capex procurement process. It offers three key modules to help you achieve efficient project delivery:

Discovery Module

Use the discovery module to find the vendor who is the perfect fit for your needs: 

Post jobs across all Capex procurement: Use the Venwiz platform to post a job. The platform gives you access to over 20,000 vendors in 54 categories.  

post a job on venwiz = Optimize capex procurement

Vendors verified with a comprehensive verification process

All onboarded vendors have undergone a 4 step vigorous verification process.

  • Pre-onboarding checks
  • Organizational Checks
  • Technical Checks
  • Statutory checks

You are sure that all vendors on the platform are legitimate. 

Procurement Module

Venwiz streamlines procurement, eliminating delays and confusion. Our platform can help you:

  • RFQ preparation: Venwiz partners with clients from the beginning and connects with suitable vendors to ensure your RFQ reflects your project requirements. We also help you connect with the right technical consultant for additional input.
  • Align of PQR: We don’t just help you create an RFQ, we also help you define the pre-qualification requirements (PQRs) for potential vendors. Once these requirements are aligned, we leverage our database to shortlist the most qualified and relevant vendors. 
  • Evaluation: The shortlisted vendors undergo extensive evaluation to make the selection completely objective. This includes technical and financial performance comparison reports.
  • Seamless Quote Comparison: Easily compare standardized quotes to make informed decisions.
Quote comparossopm.

Execution Mode

Selecting the right vendor is just the first step to project execution. Here is how Venwiz can help to ensure your project runs smoothly. Our CS team is always ready to help with any bottlenecks that may occur in the project. 

  • Stay on track: Use our Milestone Management Tool (MMT) to ensure everyone focuses on key project milestones. This ensures bottlenecks you identify early on and minimises delays. 
  • Clear messaging: Our dedicated messaging tool facilitates seamless communication among all project stakeholders. Everyone involved has real-time access to updates and can easily collaborate.
  • Vendor Support: Venwiz offers value-added services to empower your chosen vendor:
    • ProSource:  This service connects vendors with reliable suppliers, ensuring they can readily acquire the necessary materials for your project.
    • ProFinance:  ProFinance assists vendors with project financing, removing financial hurdles and promoting smooth execution.’
  • Secure Payments:  Our escrow system ensures transparency in payments. We hold funds securely until project milestones are complete, ensuring peace of mind for the client and the vendor.

Visit our website for more information or Contact us:

Register or log in to our platform for all your capex procurement requirements.

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