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How do you choose the right effluent treatment plant?

Focus image - ETP

The industrial sector in India is booming, but we need to balance this with environmental responsibility. Effluent treatment plants (ETP) play a critical role in achieving balance and ensuring industries comply with regulatory requirements and treat wastewater properly before being discharged into the environment. This blog will help select the most suitable effluent treatment plant. 

Understanding the importance of effluent treatment plant

Effluents generated from different industrial processes contain pollutants and contaminants that can harm our health and the environment if released untreated. 

According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), industries release a staggering 72,368 million litres per day (MLD) of wastewater into the environment. Shockingly, only 20 to 30% of this wastewater undergoes treatment. The untreated effluent poses grave risks to the environment, water bodies, and public health, highlighting the critical need for robust effluent treatment measures.

What is an effluent treatment plant?

what is an effluent plant

Effluent treatment plants actively treat effluents generated by various industries. These effluents contain harmful chemicals and pollutants, which the plants must remove before safely discharging the water into the environment.

ETPs use different physical, chemical, and biological methods to remove contaminants. The equipment ensures compliance with state and central pollution board regulations and minimises the negative impact on ecosystems and public health. 

How does an effluent plant work?

An effluent treatment plant uses physical, chemical, biological, and biological mechanisms to treat effluents from sectors like chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, and textiles.

ChemicalChemical treatments involve the addition of specific chemicals to the wastewater to alter its composition. It helps in reducing the TSS and CODChemical dosing units, Equalization Tanks
PhysicalBiological treatments utilize microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants, converting them into simpler, less harmful substances. It helps in reducing the BODSedimentation tanks, filtration units, screens, and centrifuges.
BiologicalBiological treatments utilize microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants, converting them into simpler, less harmful substances.It helps in reducing the BODBioreactors, aeration tanks,and settling basins are common units.

Components of Effluent Treatment plant

Stages in effluent water treatment

Here’s a breakdown of the common stages, considering their suitability for the Indian context:

Here’s a breakdown of the common stages, considering their suitability for the Indian context:

  • Preliminary Treatment: During this initial stage, the focus is on eliminating large solid particles and debris from wastewater. Processes such as screening and grit removal are employed to achieve this. 
  • Primary Treatment: Subsequently, the wastewater undergoes primary treatment and removes suspended solids and heavy particles. Physical and chemical treatment methods are used in this stage with processes like screening, sedimentation, and coagulation. 
  • Secondary Treatment: Following primary treatment, the wastewater advances to secondary treatment, where the primary objective is to eliminate organic matter and dissolved pollutants. Biological processes, such as activated sludge treatment or trickling filters, play a pivotal role in breaking down organic matter through microbial action.
  • Tertiary Treatment: In certain scenarios, a tertiary treatment process may be necessary to elevate the quality of the treated effluent further. This phase may encompass additional physical, chemical, or biological processes like filtration, disinfection, or advanced oxidation.
  • Effluent discharge: Upon completion of the treatment process within the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), the treated water, termed effluent, is discharged back into the environment. Adherence to regulatory standards or suitability for reuse within the factory premises is imperative to ensure environmental sustainability.
Stages in Effluent Treatment Plant.

Different Effluent Treatment Technologies
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)

TechnologiesDescriptionAdvantagesIndustries Used
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) SBR - ETP typesSBR is a versatile fill-and-draw system combining equalization, aeration, and clarification in a single basin, offering flexibility and control to handle load variations and adjust to influent characteristics.Operational flexibility, Lower capital costs, Reduced energy consumptionFood & Beverage Processing, Chemical Manufacturing, Pulp & Paper Mills (with pretreatment)
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)MBR- Effluent Treatment Plant MBR merges treatment and membrane filtration to handle strong wastes, producing top-quality effluent for reuse or discharge by separating microorganisms from treated water.Exceptional effluent quality, Compact design, Reduced sludge productionPharmaceutical Manufacturing, Petrochemical Industry, Electronics Manufacturing
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)MBBR - types of effluent treatment plantMBBR employs biofilm carriers in aerated basins, enhancing bacterial growth for efficient wastewater treatment. It’s self-regulating, robust, and ideal for space-limited sites.Robust performance, Simple operation and maintenance, Modularity and expandabilityMunicipal Wastewater Treatment, Food Processing (with pretreatment), Textile Industry
Activated Sludge ProcessActive Sludge - types of ETPActivated Sludge Process is used for biological secondary treatment method. It uses a continously mixed culture of microorganism (activated sludge) that feeds on organic matter in wastewater. Air is pumped into the tank to maintain oxygen levels for the bacteria. Effective for BOD removal, Established technology, and Adaptable for various conditions. Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Pulp & Paper Mills, Petrochemical Refineries (broad applicability)
Soil BiotechnologySoil biotechnology - types of ETPSBT uses enzymes and micro-organisms to perform natural processes like respiration, photosynthesis, and mineral weathering in a soil-like media. Suitable, low maintainance, can handle different effluents, energy efficient, and no sludge productionPharma, Petrochemicals, Speciality chemicals. 

Read our case study on soil biotechnology

Compliance and regulations

 Before you select an effluent treatment plant for your factory, you need to understand specific wastewater requirements and ensure compliance with regulatory bodies. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) establish these rules, each state may have separate rules. 

Industries discharging wastewater must adhere to the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, of 1974 and the Environment (Protection) Act, of 1986. These regulations mandate treatment before discharge and adherence to set effluent discharge limits. Failure to the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986 and the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974. Effluent discharged from industry must meet the National Standards and state standards for wastewater set by governments,  

ParametersNational StandardsKarnataka PCB
Biological Oxygen Demand [BOD] <30 mg/L<20 mg/L
Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD]<250 mg/L<250 mg/L
Total Suspended Solids [TSS]<100 mg/L<30 mg/L
Total Dissolved Solids [TDS]<2100 mg/L<2000 mg/L
pH6.5-9 6.5-8.5

Key factors for selecting effluent treatment plant

Selecting an effluent treatment plant (ETP) isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. Here is a breakdown of the key elements to consider before making this important decision:

Effluent characteristics

ETP manufacturers should know the effluent characteristics to suggest the effluent treatment plant process. Some of the key effluents that ETP manufacturers to consider:

  • Physical characteristics: These include pH, colour, odour, total suspended solids (TSS), and grease content.
  • Chemical characteristics: Assess biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS), nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and heavy metal concentration. 
  • Flow rate of effluents: Quantity of effluent produced per hour or day. 
  • Toxic compounds: Toxic or inhibitory compounds in the effluents, that can affect the bacteria used in the treatment process. 

Treatment efficiency

The ETP must remove the contaminants from the wastewater as effectively as possible. Evaluate its effectiveness in terms of:

  • BOD and COD reduction
  • Suspended solids removal
  • Targeted contamination removal 

Calculate the treatment efficiency of an effluent treatment plant by dividing the treated flow rate by the total flow rate.

Efficiency = Treated flow rate/total flow rate.

For example, if the treated flow rate is 8,000 litres per hour and the total flow rate is 10,000 litres per hour. The ETP treatment efficiency would be 80%. 

Compliance and regulations

The ETP should adhere to regulatory requirements set by state and central pollution boards. Specific treatment processes or technologies mandated by regulatory bodies.

Capacity and scalability 

Choose an ETP that can handle your current wastewater volume, consider future expansion plans to ensure it can handle increased generation, and opt for an ETP that can be easily expanded or upgraded.

Operational and maintenance requirements

Evaluate the ETP’s operational and maintenance requirements. It should cover factors such as the availability of skilled personnel, the need for frequent monitoring and testing, and the maintenance requirements of the plant. 

Cost considerations

Look beyond initial capital investment. Consider operational and maintenance costs, energy consumption, and expenses related to sludge disposal to get a complete picture of the cost of installing and operating the ETP.

Land required

Effluent treatment plants require a dedicated space for installation and operations. Assess the land available to accommodate the ETP tank, equipment, and ancillary structures. 

Vendor characteristics

Select a vendor that can design an ETP system based on effluent characteristics. They should provide optimized solutions with the help of simulation software and pilot testing.

Prior experience with your specific industry gives the vendor valuable insights. They can anticipate the types of pollutants generated at different stages of production, allowing them to design a more targeted and efficient ETP solution.


Opt for a vendor located near your plant. It will be easier to collect wastewater samples at test samples in the labs or for pilot testing. 

Top Effluent Treatment Plant Vendors on our platform

Netsol Water Solutions Pvt Ltd

Effluent treatment plant vendor 1

Nestol Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd. offers various services and products, including manufacturing, installation, supply, and repair of water purification and treatment solutions. They have in-house manufacturing facilities for quality products like hydropneumatic pressure boosting systems and iron removal filters. With extensive experience and technical certifications, they have served diverse industries and key customers, including power & energy, metals & mining, civil & construction, and chemicals.

WTE Infra Project Pvt. Ltd

Effluent treatment plant vendor 2

WTE Infra Project Pvt. Ltd. is ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, and 45001:2018 certified. Design, Manufacturing, suppliers, installation, and commissioning of WTP, ETP, RO plants, surge vessels, and ultrafiltration plants. Their 115,000-square-foot workshop houses advanced machinery, ensuring precise manufacturing of ETP components. With a seasoned team of 350 professionals and a track record of 22 successful projects, including installations for Saint Gobain and Tata Projects, they guarantee quality and regulatory compliance. Established in 2007, they’re the trusted choice for efficient and reliable ETP solutions.

Envicare Technologies

Effluent treatment plant vendor 3

Envicare Technologies, based in Pune, specialises in comprehensive water treatment solutions. Established in 2001, their director, Mangesh Surve, leads a team of 30 professionals. With a revenue slab ranging from 1.5 Cr. to 5 Cr., they offer manufacturing, supply, installation, and maintenance services, including Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP), Sewage Treatment Plants (STP), and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Treatment Plants. Serving industries like Telecom & IT, food processing, & beverage, they’ve garnered trust from key customers such as TATA Motors and Pepsico.

How Venwiz can help you find the perfect effluent treatment plant vendor

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Verified profiles: All vendors on our platform are verified. The vendor profile has details like experience, turnover, equipment offered, reviews, and industries served.

ETP - vendor profile

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